New Bridge in Richfield Historical/Nature Park
November 18-20, 2020
For many years, the Richfield Historical Society wanted to replace the pedestrian bridge that crossed the Coney Creek in the Richfield Historical/Nature Park. With a more substantial bridge, tractors, steam engines and people movers could easily move between the exhibiting and threshing areas of the annual Thresheree and Harvest Festival held the 3rd weekend of every September. Finally this has happened. Engineering studies had to be conducted. Then, permits had to be obtained from the Village of
Richfield and DNR. The pedestrian bridge had to be dismantled and removed.
After a contractor was found to do the work, the large culverts were ordered. Volunteers filled bags with sand. These bags were placed in the Creek to stop the flow of the water so work could be done. A pump was used to drain some of the water from the working area. Also, a trench was dug to divert the water flow.
Placing the sand bags and pumping water.
Stone was put in place to serve as a bed for the culverts.
First culvert put in position.
Row two of the culverts.
Each section is held in place with a heavy rod.
View of the two sections and how the water was diverted with a trench.
Starting on row three.
Almost completed with the placement of row four.
Stone fill is placed between the rows of culverts.
Sandbags removed and water flows freely through the culverts. Final coat of stone bed and heavy boulders placed along the edges.
Many thanks to all those who helped make the dream come true of having a bridge to handle heavy traffic. This project was funded solely by the Richfield Historical Society.