Messer/Mayer Mill Foundation
Phase 2 Completed
The basement of the majestic 3-story Messer/Mayer Mill located in the Richfield Historical Park has never been accessible to visitors. That is no longer true. When Phase 1 of foundation restoration was being done, a doorway was cut on the east side of the foundation. During the summer of 2015, work
was done on Phase 2 of the restoration of the Mill's foundation. Phase 2 entailed grading the area, installing a pathway leading to the basement door, and building a retaining wall to keep the soil from eroding onto the pathway. An attractive guard rail
has been installed along the top of the retaining wall. All that needs to be done is to install a door which has been made by one of the RHS volunteers.
Once all items are completed, tours of the Mill will start in the basement where visitors will see a display of equipment. When Phase 3 is completed, there will be a view of the water turbine which powered the Mill. The tour will then move to the first floor of the mill to see the actual operating equipment (millstones, hoppers, elevators, roller mills, and much more.)
If you would like to help with the complete restoration of the Mill, please consider making a donation to "Get the Mill Grinding."