Recognition Bricks for Messer/Mayer Mill Fund Donors
The Capital Campaign for the Restoration of the Messer/Mayer Mill in the Richfield Historical Park was started in the fall of 2011. About half a million dollars have been donated. Some of those funds were used on Phase 1 of repairing the foundation. About $9,000 will be used for Phase 2 of the foundation which entails building a retaining wall and path leading to the basement door. The remaining funds will be used to complete the restoration of the foundation. This is the most expensive phase with approximately $300,000 still needed to be raised.
When the Capital Campaign was started, the committee decided to give recognition bricks to persons who donated over $500. Different sizes of bricks are available for various amounts of donations. To date, 82 donors have received bricks. Here is the breakdown of sizes:
4 x 8 brick ($500-$999 donation) 33 donors
8 x 8 brick ($1,000-$1,999 donation) 23 donors
12 x 12 brick ($2,000-$4,999 donation) 11 donors
16 x 16 brick ($5,000-$24,999 donation) 12 donors
20 x 20 brick ($25,000 and over) 3 donors
These attractive recognition bricks are now in place at the Lillicrapp
Welcome Center Recognition Walkway. A big Thank You to Dorothy and Chris Marks and Herb Lofy for all of their hard work in the installation of the bricks. Come to the Richfield Historical Park during one our summer events to see the bricks.
You, too, can have your name etched in Richfield's History by purchasing a brick to help Get the Mill Grinding. Just take a look at the Brick Recognition brochure. Smaller donations are always appreciated and help make the Messer/Mayer Restoration Fund grow. Use the Messer/Mayer Gift Card to send in your donation. Any donation can be made online. Just Click Here.